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29 avenue Georges Mandel, 75116 Paris


01 42 74 46 83




Gynecomastia surgery is a male breast surgery. This surgical procedure corrects enlarged breasts in men due to excess of glandular tissue, fat, or skin.

This procedure deals with a common physical condition that can be tough to cope with and that may impair self-confidence.

It’s a satisfactory, simple and effective surgery that enhances chest contours.

  • Liposuction alone or combined with glandular ablation.
  • Excess skin removed after significant weight loss.
  • Physical and psychological benefits.


This information sheet is issued by Dr Vincent Nguyen plastic surgeon in Paris, familiar with gynecomastia surgery. It provides all the information about gynecomastia surgery, scars, recovery, before and after comparison photographs, Social Security coverage and the costs of the procedure.

What is Gynecomastia?

It is a benign condition that enlarges men’s breasts.

It can be due to proliferation of glandular tissue (true gynecomastia) or fat (pseudo gynecomastia) or both. It can affect one or both breasts.

The breast may only be enlarged around the nipple, forming a cone (retroaerolar nodule) or it can be more severe. Many clinical forms may be observed.

What causes gynecomastia?

In most cases, there is no real cause. It is called idiopathic gynecomastia.

In other cases, it is due to hormones or to medications. It is important to undergo a medical check-up to eliminate secondary causes.

How does gynecomastia affect patients?

Male breast enlargement often has a psychological impact. Patients may be distressed by their condition and suffer from embarrassment, anxiety, and impaired self-confidence.

Sometimes patients may feel pain in their breasts.


What’s the purpose of gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery reduces breast size in men to restore normal male breasts and enhance the chest contours.

  • The volume of the breasts can be reduced with liposuction that removes fat or with mastectomy that removes the breast glandular tissue, or with both procedures in case of adipose gynecomastia.
  • Excess skin may naturally retract after these procedures but sometimes there is too much skin and a lifting, leaving scars, may be necessary.

Dr Vincent Nguyen will evaluate your needs, discuss your options, recommend a course of treatment and guide you to achieve the best natural results.



  • Two preoperative consultations with a board-certified plastic surgeon will be conducted as well as a consultation with an anesthetist.
  • A mammography and/ or an ultrasound (sonogram), and blood tests will be prescribed to eliminate a secondary cause.
  • Before and after comparison photographs will be taken.
  • A compression garment (bolero type) will be prescribed.
  • Preoperative instructions are as follow:
  • Quit smoking at least one month before the surgery to one month after the surgery to reduce any complication or necrosis risk.
  • Discontinue any anti-platelet or blood-thinning medication 15 days before the surgery.


  • The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The patient is sitting to get the best possible results.
  • It lasts around 1h30.
  • Dr Vincent Nguyen performs the surgery on both breasts himself. In case of glandular excision, surgical drains will be inserted on each side. Liposuction doesn’t require drains.

The result of Gynecomastia surgery is immediately visible as soon as the bandages are removed. However it takes time for your body to heal. Over time post-surgical swelling will resolve, incision lines will fade and skin will retract. The final results may take 3 to 6 months to achieve as in any breast surgery. Improvement in appearance while dressed is immediately visible.


  • You may feel soreness or pain during the first days after the surgery but you will be prescribed analgesics to feel comfortable.
  • You may go home the day following the procedure or the same day.
  • You may expect swelling and bruising the following days.
  • No nursing care is required after the procedure.
  • You may shower the next day but do not take a bath for a month.
  • As the sutures are made with absorbable material, you won’t need to have them removed.
  • The compression garment must be worn for six weeks night and day to reduce swelling and support your new chest contours while you heal.
  • Most patients go back to work after 5 days to 2 weeks depending on the nature of their job.
  • You may resume physical activities after 6 weeks.
  • Avoid sun on the scars for at least one year.
  • Follow-up consultations will be planned with Dr Nguyen (1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and a year after the procedure).


  • Part of the surgery may be covered by Social Security or your Health Insurance Company in case of mammary gland resection.
  • In case of liposuction or skin lift, there is no coverage by Social Security or Health Insurance Company as the procedure is considered as esthetic surgery.
  • The cost of the procedure may vary from …. To … ( see all the costs of esthetic procedures on this website)
  • Make sure to find a board-certified plastic surgeon competent in gynecomastia surgery who may evaluate your needs, discuss your options and guide you to achieve the best natural results.


Does gynecomastia surgery leave scars?

Liposuction requires only a minor incision near the armpit.

In case of glandular excision, a lower hemi peri-areolar (half-moon) incision will be concealed in the pigmentary change between areola and skin.

In case of significant excess skin, an incision line will be made around the areola but also horizontally on each side of it.

Are there sensibility issues after gynecomastia surgery?

Immediately following the surgery, patients may experience a temporary loss of sensation in the treated areas and/or hyper skin sensibility when having a shower. These sensations resolve after a year to a year and a half.

Can gynecomastia come back after surgery?

There is no evidence of recurrent gynecomastia if the weight is stable and if the patient doesn’t suffer from hormonal disorders.

Peut-on refaire une cure de gynécomastie en cas de prise de poids importante?

oui, une nouvelle cure de gynécomastie, avec ou sans cicatrices en fonction de l’importance de l’excès, est possible.

Peut-on associer une autre procédure chirurgicale durant la même intervention?

Oui, il est tout à fait possible de réaliser une lipoaspiration, une abdominoplastie ou tout autre procédure durant la même intervention.

Une cure de gynécomastie augmente-t-elle le risque de cancer du sein chez l’homme?

Non, le traitement d’une gynécomastie n’augmente pas le risque de cancer du sein chez l’homme.

Quel est le critère de prise en charge par la sécurité sociale?

Le critère de prise en charge par l’assurance maladie est représenté par la nécessité de retirer de la glande mammaire, donc en plus de la lipoaspiration, par abord direct avec une cicatrice (mastectomie sous-cutanée).

Peut-on réduire la taille des aréoles lors d’une gynécomastie?

Oui, les aréoles peuvent être réduites et replacées dans une position plus esthétique.

chirurgie esthétique homme

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